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Hey world my name is Lynyrd Skynyrd, I go by Lenny for short.
Let me tell you a little about my life before rescue. I am originally from Oklahoma and I had a home. I was a professional fence jumper, and I wouldn’t stay in my yard. I had places to go and people to see. That is where it all went wrong. I decided to cross a busy road and was hit by a big truck. Animal control picked me up, and here is where my life changed for the better. An angel called a local rescue telling them about me and what happened to me. Animal control was going to do the humane thing and let me cross the bridge that day, but I was already on the road to a better life that didn’t include that bridge exactly. The rescue that saved me was Rainbow Bridge Can Wait. Animal control found my people but they couldn’t afford to save me either. My pelvis was broken in two places and my leg had a spiral fracture. I was a mess and in a lot of pain. When rescue evaluated me I let them know I wanted to live. I wasn’t ready to go.
The next step in my journey had begun, into the rescue program I went. Then off to Oklahoma City I went to an ortho specialist to put me back together. I got a plate in my hip and a rod in my leg. Rainbow Bridge Can Wait is a small rescue with a giant heart, they didn’t have a foster for a long term medical case where I could get physical therapy and reached out to BC Save in Texas for help. BCSAVE put my story out there and just like that I had a foster, here is where everything changes for me.
Let me tell you all about my foster home! I am staying at a place called Hotel Colliefornia. My foster parents have 4 rescue border collies and a silly lab. They know all about me and my breed quirks and don’t mind a bit the silly things I do. I have a giant XPen in the middle of their den with a couch, yep you read that right a couch in it! I love sitting on the arms of it, or laying on my back with my legs in the air. My foster Mom says I am silly, but what does she know. I have toys in my XPen and love to sling them around or occasionally make it snow like a snow globe. The other dogs love to swipe my toys when I go outside for potty breaks. I love my XPen and each room has a kennel in it so I go where they go and am part of their family while I am healing. I am doing water therapy in their pool, which I am not a big fan of the water, but I will do it for the treats. I love to talk, not bark, but talk. My foster Mom was super curious on what was in my DNA for all that talking. Husky and Akita. That is my talking side of the family.
I am working on manners and clicker training is what she calls it but it is more like a Pez dispenser. I get food if I do stuff which is totally awesome. She says I am a fast learner. I just know the treats are delicious. Cats are super interesting and I would like to chase them. We have one here that is 20, she just sleeps, I am still learning about cats. I love to chase birds in the sky and grasshoppers make me jump around the yard trying to catch them. Foster Mom says I would be a pro at Barn Hunt. I love to hunt for moles in the yard. I stick my nose in their tunnels and can tell you if it is a live run or not. Foster Mom then comes by and sets traps to catch them. She says moles have to go, so we hunt together.
I am looking for a home where I can be an inside dog and be a part of your family. I would like to have a dog brother or sister. I can be a little pushy sometimes, so maybe my sibling would need to be accepting of the pushy business. I do understand when the other dog says no. I love the ladies here, they think I am handsome and want to play all the time. What can I stay I am crazy handsome.
Once I am all healed up I will be a normal dog. I don’t think I would make a good performance dog, agility dog, or dock diving dog with all my hardware, but Rally or Barn Hunt would be fun or just hanging out and riding around town with my new family.
I am 42 lbs, located in East Texas near Canton, Texas. I have a few more xrays and rehab on my calendar coming up. Oh and I do love walking on a leash. Since that is all I have done since April, I am a PRO! Warning. I do flop down right in the middle of my walk insisting on a belly rub!


How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.