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Age: 3 Years
Sex: Female (Spayed)
Coat: B&W Semi-Rough Coat
Weight: 33 lbs

When Trixie came into rescue she was incredibly shy and insecure. She hid in her crate for the majority of the day and couldn’t even be coaxed out with delicious cheese and chicken. With the help of her dedicated foster, she improved leaps and bounds, happily running to her foster parents when called. Her natural tendency however, was to be reserved and shy and because of that, we knew that she would need a very special home committed to working with her on her confidence. Well, she found that perfect home with BCSAVE alum Bella and her humans! An  affectionate pup that loves a good cuddle on the lap, she immediately found herself a FURever lap with her new dad. And her and Bella became instant BFFs, which made things even better.

Congrats to Trixie (now Dixie), Bella and her new family!




How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.