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Age: 3-4 Years
Sex: Female (Spay 9.18.19)
Coat: Black and white Rough Coat
Weight: 49 lbs

Activity Level: Moderate
Good with Other Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Yes (with conditions)
Good with Children: Yes!

Daisy is a 3-4 year old BC female who came to BCSAVE courtesy of an equine rescue outside of Kansas City because she kept getting off her tether and running off, and they were finished trying to manage her. The equine rescue was not equipped to keep an active BC, so they asked for assistance in rehoming her. Since BCSAVE was already in the area picking up dogs from the puppy mill situation, we added her to our new pack member coming back to TX. She apparently had always been an outdoor tethered dog, though she has adapted very well to her foster and being indoors. She’s crate, leash, and house-trained and LOVES all people and kids. She even walked by the cat without looking at him but snarled when cat approached food bowl, so seems to be good with dog-savvy cats. Daisy will need good introduction to any other new dogs in the house as she can get a little snippy at times. Daisy so far seems to a moderate energy level dog, and would do well in  suburban family with kids where she can get walked and backyard exercise/ play time.



How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.