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Shep is a nearly 4 year old Border Collie male who came to us at nearly 90 lbs (twice his recommended body weight). As of August 22, he is down to under 70 lbs, thanks to an awesome and dedicated foster. An owner surrender, Shep is a wonderfully sweet dog who loves water and playing with his foster pups and family. He started gaining weight in 2017, possibly partly because he was in an apartment all day long and/ or crated quite a bit. Now that Shep is out of the apartment and crate, he is becoming more and more active and much more like the true Border Collie he is!

He enjoys balls, and toys, and biting the water from the hose, and playing with others dogs, and we have a feeling that Shep will end up on the very high end of the energy and activity scale when he gets down to his fighting weight. He will need an adopter that is very active and will provide Shep with regular outlets for structured exercise and play – this dog will not be satisfied with just some backyard play before dinner! In addition, we are only looking at adopting Shep locally (in Texas) so we can continue to monitor his weight loss and his health, in case there are any complications as he travels down this journey to a better weight. We will ask any adopter to commit to regular vet visits and check ins with BCSAVE to ensure his weight loss continues.



How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.