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Baloo joined BCSAVE from the Austin, Texas area, where he was surrendered to the shelter by his owner because his owner was moving and felt like Baloo would need more space to run and play than his new place was going to provide. Unfortunately, Baloo is heartworm positive and has begin fast kill treatment. When he was surrendered to the shelter, his owner wrote “He will sleep with us head under your side of the bed most nights and is eager to go on walks. He loves eating and his favorite treat is pizza crust. He has the sweetest face in the world and the lightest touch . He loves pets on his head and belly and he is a bit of a pushover at first but will get confidence when he is outside running around.” We have found that this is all true, in addition to being very smart (can open doors), nervous around loud sounds, inquisitive outside, and just generally very gentle-natured.



How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.