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Peaches is a fun, bouncy redhead BC mix girl who just wants to play and cuddle. She gets along great with other dogs and loves to play. She also loves to be outside and enjoys playing in water, even swimming some. She has not been crate trained but sleeps fine outside the crate, and is old enough that she isn’t chewing or destroying anything when left out. She also needs some leash work. Her current foster says Peaches can be a little reactive while on leash, but it is only with some dogs and she easily stops once corrected.


She is a very active girl and will stick to you everywhere you go. She has a lot of energy and strong hearing instincts. She is very sweet and loving and knows when she has made a mistake. She loves to push her boundaries and is very tall so anything edible on the counter will disappear. She loves to play with her foster brother and they get along well. She is very needy for attention and will make her self known. She does have an off button so play a little with her and she is happy to nap the rest of the day. She loves to explore and swim. Fetching isn’t her strong trait but herding her brother is where she shines. She would rather chase him and make him take the ball back.


Peaches is going to need a large backyard. She is a fairly high energy dog, and will need to have some regular exercise and playtime beyond just walks in order to stay happy. In her last home, she seemed a little anxious around their 6 yr old, so a home with older children (or no children) will probably be best as Peaches also has some herding tendencies. She’d be great for an active couple with another high energy dog who loves to play. Overall she is super sweet and fun to be around she will make a family very happy as long as they are willing to continue to work on socialization.


How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.