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Cash is a ten month old Border Collie who came to the rescue after his owner surrendered him for chasing horses. He would not come back or leave the horses alone, and she feared for his safety and the horses. Cash is pure Border Collie – strong herding instincts not just for horses but for all things running, including all his foster brothers and sisters. He is great with kids though and loves people. He is a sweet guy who is fairly high energy outside but can settle inside with a good game of bitey-face. Cash is learning his crate and working on recall, and is fine on leash and in the car. He is still working through potty-training though – he is easily distracted outside and can forget to use the bathroom, only remembering inside when things have settled down. He is social, not scared, and while he hasn’t shown much toy or tug, this could change if he has fewer other distractions.  As of February 2021, he still has not been neutered but we expect to get him neutered by the end of February/ early March. He is also pending a heartworm test, has a severe overbite and likely has bilateral cryptorchidism, a condition where both of his testes have failed to descend.



How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.