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Leia is a 4 year old BC mix girl who is overweight at 65 lbs. She was surrendered to the Fort Worth shelter with Roxy for barking too much. The shelter reached out to us to see if we could assist since neither pup would be desirable in their condition, and the shelter knew that both girls would need some serious help to get to a more manageable weight. We pulled both Leia and Roxy into a great foster home and began the hard work to get their weight down.


Leia is not as overweight as Roxy and has about 10 – 15 lbs to lose and is gaining more and more energy as she loses weight. She is gentle, kind, and already loyal to her people. She is greatly interested in people, cats, squirrels, and other dogs and is fine being brushed and groomed. She is leash, crate and house trained and can be fostered to adopt with a home that will commit to regular check ins with BCSAVE to ensure that her weight loss continues and regular vet checks to make sure she has no underlying conditions as a result of the weight.


How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.