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Cute as a button Jager is about 2 years old and 35 lbs, and is a fun-loving, friendly, active, social butterfly of a pup! Jager came to BCSAVE after a six month stay at a rural shelter in Louisiana, and he immediately jumped into the middle of the pack with no hesitation. He loves his dog friends and his human friends too, though we are not sure about cats. Jager is a mix (BC? Aussie? Cattle dog?) of sorts, and has the most interesting markings and coloring.
While Jager loves his friends, he can be overly enthusiastic, constantly wanting to get in on the action. He is not aggressive, but doesn’t understand boundaries very well. He would be considered medium-high on the activity scale, loving to run and chase and jump and run some more. He would be great with another active, playful pup, and probably not good for a family with a mellow dog that just wants to relax because Jager doesn’t know the meaning of *that* word. He likes toys and balls, if only to take them away from the other dog playing with them, but not to play on his own. He is house-trained, though he hasn’t had much practice on a crate or leash though we can’t imagine he would be bad at either with the right treat motivation. Jager would do best in an active household with lots going on, as he thrives in that kind of world.


How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.