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Vander is approximately 3 years old and around 40 lbs. Found as a underweight stray in Fort Worth with injuries to his nose and ear (likely from a scuffle), Vander was at risk for euthanasia until we stepped in and rescued him.

If “SWEET” had a spokesdog in the BC world, it would be Vander! He is an extremely gentle and loving dog who gets along great with other dogs. A lover not a fighter, Vander’s favorite things are to get pet and to lay around outside waiting for the other dogs to come out so he can run with them. He seems to have been mainly an outside dog before, as he doesn’t have the best house manners but easily jumps into a car, goes into a crate and walks great on leash. He is pretty well house-trained and knows the dog door, and sleeps through the night with no accidents.

When he first got to the shelter, he was clocked in at 26 lbs and had an extremely poor coat. He’s up to around 40 lbs now (and could probably gain another 5 or so), and his coat is becoming silkier every day. He shows some BC tendencies – waiting in the down position for others outside and is very treat motivated, but doesn’t seem to care for toys. He has not been tested with cats or kids, but his demeanor is one where we don’t think kids would be a problem (cats – he might chase).

Vander is just an all around good boy and will make a great family pet, especially for someone who has a little bit of space for him to run in and another pup (or kid) to run with.



How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.