Border Collie Save & Rescue only stores records from people who submitted applications to adopt, foster, volunteer, or surrender a dog, made a donation to BCSAVE, or made a purchase on All data is used in pursuit of these goals and kept for historical purposes. No data is sold to any third party and the only advertising or marketing purposes it will be used for is strictly for in-house fundraisings or call-to-action campaigns.
If you want to delete your information with Border Collie Save & Rescue, please email and request that your information be removed.
In accordance with Facebook Platform rules, to delete your Border Collie Save & Rescues information contained within Facebook, log in to your Facebook profile, go to your Facebook Account’s Setting & Privacy. Click ” Setting “. Then, go to ” Apps and Websites” and you will see all of your Apps activities. Select the option box for Border Collie Save & Rescue and click the ”Remove” button.