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Age: 2 Years
Sex: Male
Coat: Black and White, Smooth Coat
Weight: 55 lbs
Activity Level: Active Companion
Good with Other Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Yes
Good with Children: Yes

Angus is a young, sweet Border Collie mix who hails from Paris, Texas! He’s a very cheerful boy and has yet to meet a person he doesn’t like. He went through slow-kill heartworm treatment and is currently HW-.  He is a real champ, and because he is a young and otherwise healthy to our knowledge, it hasn’t affected his energy level or personality at all.


Angus is currently being fostered in a home with 10 and 13 year old children and he is very well-behaved with both of them. The older child is very cautious around dogs of any size but Angus has been very calm with her. He has also stayed with another foster family who has a 4-year old child and did great with her also!

Other Animals

Angus gets along very well with the 10 year old Dachshund in his foster home. On the very first day in the home, there were minor jealousy problems between him and the Dachshund not wanting to share “their human” but they worked it out quickly and it has not been a problem since!  He also deals well with the small older dog being protective of his toys and chasing Angus away.

His foster home also has three indoor cats whom Angus is very happy to leave alone. “Live and let live” is definitely his choice!


He’s a happy boy with a lot of energy. Angus is definitely an “active companion” which, like most young Border Collies and Border Collie mixes, means once his heartworm treatment is over, he needs a daily outlet for his energy.  Angus LOVES walks, even short ones. But he most appreciates long daily walks and could become a companion for someone who likes to jog, run, or hike. He might even be a good partner for someone who likes to ride a bicycle.

Any time there is anything new, Angus wants to learn what is up, but once his curiosity is satisfied he is fine with ignoring the distraction.


Angus has attending several training classes and is working on walking on a loose leash. He still pulls to meet other dogs on our walks and should be introduced to strange or new dogs carefully.  Angus Is a fantastic car rider. He loads right up and waits to be told OK before he jumps out. He curls up on the set and sleeps. In his particular foster home, dogs are not allowed on furniture and he knows that rule, but if he is alone in his foster mom’s bedroom, he has been known to sneak up on the bed.  Angus has never chewed on things that do not belong to him. He doesn’t seem to understand what toys are. He likes his bone to chew on when he is in his kennel and he goes to his kennel on command (always given a small treat for going in) and stays there while his foster mom is gone during the day.

This boy has a LOT of love to give. He loves to be scratched around his head and neck, and belly rubs are a favorite activity!  Angus would be a good dog for any type of home – even a smaller house or an apartment as long as he gets daily walks or other outlets for his energy.


Angus is neutered, fully vaccinated and microchipped. If you are interested in making him a part of your family, please start the process by visiting ABCR’s homepage to fill out and submit an adoption application.

Good with Children: Yes



How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.