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Boone joined us as an owner surrender. When he first came to us, he did not have much training and was not house broken. He has learned a lot in the last few months! Boone is extremely playful and always wants to be the center of attention. He is a larger BC (guessing around 3 years and around 41 lbs) with a soft coat who thinks he is a lap dog. He has not shown any signs of aggression towards other dogs or people.

Boone can come off as timid at first, and it takes a while for him to fully trust people, but all the while he’ll still be super friendly and come up to you for pets and reassurance. He’s interested in people more than dogs, but he gets along with other pups just fine if he’s had a chance to get to know them. He’s never had accidents in the house, he’s very well behaved. He loves being the center of attention, and will push through the other pups to make sure he gets front row pets.

Boone does seem to have some separation anxiety and can get destructive when that happens. He used to show some resource guarding, but he got over it once he got to know his foster sibling. Once he got comfortable in his foster home, he started showing some fence aggression towards the neighbor’s dog, but that doesn’t always happen. He’s a bit scared of strange sounds or large objects, and will be very vocal about it.

He’s great on a leash, and loves to play fetch. He knows sit, stay, and “drop it”, and will wait patiently after being served his food for the command to start eating. He likes his crate, and will voluntarily go in it. He has no problem with human or dog visitors in the house, and he does great in dog parks. Boone loves to chase cats, but we think he just wants to play with them and doesn’t actually mean them any harm lol. Boone does love his toys but is a voracious chewer and will tear them up if left alone. He will also chase a frisbee and bring it back (though he is still learning the are of catching).

Boone is a sweet, medium energy dog which would do great as an only dog or with pup siblings. His previous home had two small children and he was fine with them, though fair warning – he is an enthusiastic and happy boy and may knock over small children just because of his size. But all in all, Boone is a great pup and will be a great family dog for an active family home!



How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.