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Butterscotch is an approximately 2 year old, 37 lb mixed girl. Butterscotch is very friendly and wants to snuggle with everyone and is a huge attention-seeker. She’s very friendly when people approach the front door / come into the house and will shove her head/body into your hands for pets. She also loves anything that squeaks or crinkles, and really enjoys a horse Jolly ball and chases it all around the yard. One her favorite things is to play “keepaway” from humans or other pups if she has a toy, and she loves to play tug of war with no protectiveness or resource guarding over toys or high-value treats/bones.

Butterscotch is fully house-trained and has had no accidents at all in the house while supervised, and can be left to free-roam with no issues or destructive behavior. You may want to crate her at first when you leave until she gets comfortable in her new surroundings. She may not always want to go in her crate, but very easy to lead her inside or toss some treats in (especially cheese!) and she’s more willing. Once she’s in, she’ll bark/whine for 15-20 minutes; the amount of time she’s fussing is higher if she hears people or other animals. When it’s quiet or you leave, she settles into the crate in about 5-10 minutes and is very happy to keep herself amused with toys or a bone.

She did come to us with a broken femur and can still be very stiff on that leg; she could probably use some PT to strengthen or some daily stretches/manipulation of that leg. She also seems to have had a
broken tail in the past as it’s healed in a funky way with a strong crimp in it.

She’s ready to roll in the morning as soon as she wakes up, and she’ll bark in the morning to let you know she’s ready to go outside. She’s tired out after a 15-30 minute walk, and only needs about 15-30 minutes of playtime until she settles. She walks very well on a leash (loose leash) but will pull if she wants to go see something or spots a squirrel and may have some leash frustration when she sees another dog. She settles well during the day and is content to just lay at your feet with her person while you’re working, and she’d be just as content hanging outside. She loves to sit outside on the back porch and watch the world go by when she’s not chasing / stalking squirrels. She hasn’t tried to escape the yard or dig or do anything else destructive.

She has been introduced to cats and has been very good during nose to nose. She may barks/goes after the cats if they run away, but if she’s on a leash and she’s told to “be nice,” a couple bops on the nose from the cat and she seems to respect a cat’s space a LOT more.



How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.