
Age: 10 mo old (as of 05/24)
Sex: Female (Not yet spayed)
Coat: Black and white rough coat
Weight: 16 lbs (underweight)
Heartworm status: Negative

Activity Level: Med-high
Good with Other Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: No
Good with Children: Yes

🌈 Meet Frankie AKA Lisa Frank (fka Foxy)🌈

Frankie was found as a stray in NC, and traveled to TX with her foster to find her FURever home. Here is what we know:
  • A happy-go-lucky, rainbows and sunshine kind of girl
  • She’s a little TOO smart and sometimes sly 😉
  • LOVES other dogs w/ an in-your-face, puppy like play style – great for another like minded pup; she can be called off or distracted by a toy
  • 90% house/ crate trained as long as let out regularly. Has a little FOMO when other dogs are playing in front of her crate or while other dogs are going out, but otherwise is relatively quiet. Doing well on learning to let the humans know when she needs to go out and has only had a handful of accidents when the humans weren’t paying attention to her signals
  • LOVES toys, especially soft toys, and will carry them around and bring them to your lap to ask you to play. Also enjoys hard chewies. She’s not destructive of any toys but does like to chew the tags and she’ll fetch as long as you want but will chill out on her own when you say your done.
  • Has not displayed any noise/ environmental sensitivity, stranger danger or reactivity on or off leash to dogs or humans
  • Very food motivated and high value treats best for training and engagement
  • A great hiking or adventure partner for an active pet home
  • Decent toy drive and could be a sports prospect with more engagement training and continued toy drive building

She has a high level of sensory input-sight/sound/smell. She will sit and watch and listen to things like the coffee maker, the dishwasher , and a bit of TV. She also has high chase/prey drive-lizards, bugs…..and she remembers where they were the last time and will go to that spot again. She will catch and eat a fly if she sees one. She’s pretty confident so lots of caution at exit doors. (especially if it leads to the lizard zone)

She crates nicely and is able to ride in the backseat belted in as well. She is respectful of baby gates even if they are just leaning and does not jump on any furniture (except for the parkour move while she had the zoomies).



How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at to apply.