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Guzzo is approximately 2 years old and around 33 lbs. She’s significantly underweight but otherwise, she seems to be healthy.

She’s still really, really clingy, and her foster is working to discourage her from jumping up on people and licking them. She is super sweet and charming to people. She is a little resource-guardy of her person when other animals get close to “her” person, but it doesn’t cause a lot of a problem until another pup decides to move into her space. If so, there can be some snapping and growling so her foster is trying to discourage that before it gets started.

Other than that, she’s becoming very playful, and loves wrestling with her foster brother, who is about her same age. There’s still a lot of puppy in her personality! But we think as she matures, she’s going to want to be the queen of the castle. She may not need to be the only dog in the household, although she’d love that if she had a stay-at-home human, but any other dog (or cat) in the family would have to be a more submissive personality. She is cat-curious, and hasn’t shown aggression towards them, but she will follow closely (not exactly chasing but . . .) if they show up.

Bottom line is, she’s going to be a really sweet, loving, active dog who will need something to keep her brain busy, and a lot of play time and personal attention. A couple of months of good food (the vet recommends puppy chow until she’s back up to her regular weight of 45 to 50 pounds) and training in manners, and she’ll be a dynamite pet and companion.



How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.