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AKai is a petite, 24 lb active BC girl who loves nothing more than to herd other dogs. Originally a stray pup in Fort Worth TX, we originally estimated her age at around 3 years but we think she is actually closer to 9-10 months old. Kai is a dog/ kid/ cat friendly girl who can get a little snarky if another pup gets into her space and she wants them to back off but is sweet as can be all other times. Kai is also VERY active – she loves her outdoor run time, but she can come in and settle down. Kai does great in her crate and LOVES to hug and love on you and rolls over to be scratched on her belly. She’s all puppy but has never had an accident in the house and doesn’t tear or chew anything up. She knows how to use a doggy door and she’s in and out sprinting around the yard all day long.

Kai does have a couple of cute and silly quirks. She loves to chase shadows, flashlight beams, dirt and leaves, as well as water coming from the water hose sprayer. She loves to herd other dogs when in the yard playing. She would be fine around older kids but could definitely knock a small child over unintentionally chasing after something She also has VERY STRONG ball drive, which actually caused her eye injury and subsequent blindness in the right eye. She tried to grab a ball being hit off a T-ball stand, which caused a detached retina in her right eye. She is blind in that eye but at this time, the vet does not think the eye needs to be removed and there is no swelling or other issues. Kai would be a GREAT agility prospect also as she is FAST as lightening and is a tiny little pocket border collie size that agility people like so they can be in the shorter height class.



How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.