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Oscar (formerly known as Otis) is a 2 yr old (likely) purebred liver and white male, weighing about 61 lbs. Oscar was surrendered to the shelter for behavioral issues. His prior owner said Oscar doesn’t like to be brushed or bathed, and will let you know by putting his mouth on you. He has not punctured anyone as far as we know, but he will let you know when he doesn’t want to do something or like something. He has had some obedience training and knows commands like site, down, and shake, and he crates easily. He also is fair on the leash, though tugging or grabbing his collar can upset him. He has shown that he wants to be pet and scratched, and loves to give you a hug or lean up against you for snuggles. Oscar has some other quirks – he chases flies and shadows (at times), and can be hard to dissuade from these activities. He gets along fine with other dogs though he has a small amount of resource guarding. 


Oscar will continue to be assessed for the next few weeks for any other reactiveness or sensitivity issues. Once available for adoption, he will only be adopted to a family who is very experienced with his kind of behaviors and will pay attention to his cues and give him the space he needs.


Adopted Photo Courtesy of Julia Rigler Photography




How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.