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Spitzy is approximately 2-3 years old and likely a Border Collie/ cattle dog mix. A smaller pup at 36 lbs, Spitzy has the cutest underbite and smile. She is a lovable pup who readily and easily rolls over for belly rubs, and made friends with all the shelter staff while there. Spitzy also gets along with other pups and loves to play chase. Spitzy is no pushover though – while she doesn’t start anything, she will stand up for herself if another dog pushes her too far. She is also a little stubborn (must be the cattle dog in her lol), and may take a little longer to train because of this. She does have a little leash hesitation and doesn’t like to be pulled so she will need some work on this.
Spitzy is a moderately active pup who will make a great family pet. She would probably do well in an apartment or condo situation as she doesn’t seem to be a real talkative dog (yet).


How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.