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Tilly is a 21 lb, nine month old Border Collie mix female who was left in a crate in the shelter parking lot on a day they were closed. One of the kennel techs that was working that day saw the crate and went to investigate. When she got to it, the crate was open and the pup was standing a few yards away. The pup then bolted into the wood line around the shelter and didn’t come back. A couple of weeks later, someone found the pup near a Walmart parking lot about two blocks away and was able to get her in their vehicle. She was posted on the local lost/found pages and turned into the shelter July 6.

Tilly was extremely skittish upon arrival to the shelter; so much in fact, the shelter was unable to do a blood draw or give core vaccine as is their usual intake procedures (they finally managed though). However, when BCSAVE pulled her and her ride showed up to take her to her new foster, she growled a “SEE YA!” to everyone then ran into her savior’s lap.

Since being in foster care, Tilly has really opened up and become very friendly and sweet. She’s great with other dogs and once she trusts you, loves you with all her heart. Bouncy and energetic, Tilly turned out to be a wonderful little pup!




How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.