There was a time when I was homeless hungry and, on the streets, but that was a while ago and the further back those memories go the better, I feel. My name is the Dahlia and I am looking for a forever home. I am a school graduate of manners classes and am currently studying for my Canine Good Citizen test coming up soon. When I came into the witness protection program I was very sick from some tick illnesses, but not to worry some good meds and I am over that. Somewhere along the way my chart was marked as Heartworm positive, but it must have been so slight that a few months of heartworm monthly meds and it is gone or I never had it. I can’t say for sure. My Foster Mom took me to several vets and they ran all kinds of test looking for them, a sonogram of my heart and lots of special bloodwork, nothing was found. I am told every single day that I am the prettiest girl in the whole wide world and you know, I am certain it is true.
I am currently staying with a foster family who has 6 dogs and cat. The cat is my BFF and we play all day long. Most of the dogs here are old and are complete curmudgeons on life. All they want to do is lay on the couch or follow these folks around… BORING! I love to run and play and tug on toys. My favorite toy was a soft squishy ball until the lab here ate it, but thankfully I have an entire basket of toys and I found a new favorite, it is my hot dog. I love to put my hotdog on my Foster Mom’s feet white she is working; it always makes her smile. Sometimes she trades me a treat for it, so that makes me do it twice as much. Speaking of my hotdog, wonder where it is, I sure hope that lab didn’t sneak off with it.
I promise I will melt your heart and help you do all things. Trust me, I am a huge help. I can help with plumbing, working in the yard digging holes for you and laying on your feet to keep them warm. Here is something that happens every day, when my Foster Mom goes inside the big house and leaves me in her studio for a few minutes, when she comes back out I am always looking out the windows at her waiting for her to return. She comes in each time laughing at me telling me “I’m Batman” because of my big ears. She says I have the perfect silhouette of Batman and she laughs. Not sure what the heck she is talking about, maybe she should fire up streaming TV and pop some popcorn and we can watch it together and I can tell her if she is correct or not with her accusation of me being Batman.
One of the best things that I do is go kennel, I love my kennel and don’t mind a bit going in. Why would that be? Because I get chicken jerky for going in and that my friends is the best treat around. I will do a lot of things for Chicken Jerky. The hardest thing for me to learn is not to put my feet on humans. That really is the biggest thing I want to do is hug everyone. I am 56 lbs and my Foster Mom says I am way too big to be doing that and besides she says my feet her dirty. My thoughts here is she needs to mop more to keep the floors clean then my feet wouldn’t be dirty.
Well that is all I can think of that you might need to know. I have been “fixed” whatever that means and lots of shots, so I don’t need any more of those for a long time. If you think you might be interested in me please fill out an application with!
Fill our our Adoption Application at to apply.