
Age: 4 yrs old (as of 12/24)
Sex: Male (Neutered)
Coat: Red and white rough coat
Weight: 46 lbs 
Heartworm status: Negative

Activity Level: Moderate
Good with Other Dogs: Yes 
Good with Cats: Yes
Good with Children: Yes

Opie (aka Scotch) is the brother to another dog we rescued almost a year ago, Freckles, who DNA tested as 100% BC. One of our volunteers met him and says:
“Cats, and kids are perfect for him. He tends to want to chase horses if not corrected early. House trained. Loves water and swimming. He is fixed. Not on HW prevention, so… there is that probability. Really a nice dog with other dogs and friends. God help me he needs a good bath!! I can get him cleaned up and transported.”
He currently live on a horse property that has taken into too many dumped dogs and want to find Scotch a new home that will appreciate him. He will need to get tested for heartworms before being placed, but if you can foster him, or are interested in a foster to adopt, please let us know!


How do I apply to adopt?

Fill our our Adoption Application at https://bcsave.org/apply/#adopt to apply.

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