
Age: 1 yr old (as of 01/24)
Sex: Male (Neutered)
Coat: White and grey rough coat
Weight: 30 lbs
Heartworm status: Negative

Activity Level: Medium-high
Good with Other Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Unknown
Good with Children: Unknown

🐾 Partridge is one of FOURTEEN dogs pulled from a hoarding case in Mississippi, where they all lived in an apartment together and after discovery, were subsequently surrendered to different shelters in MS. All fourteen dogs were severely underweight, probably in-bred, had urine-stained fur, and soft paws from never having been outside. Luckily, none of them were heartworm positive. Many were very timid upon rescue and NONE of them were house-trained, but all have shown themselves to be very sweet and loving dogs and good with other pups.

Oh Partridge! This year old, 30 lb boy is out to prove that all you need is a good friend (or two), a soft bed and a little love to have a good life! A fun-loving, playful pup who loves nothing more than to wrestle with his little brother Benny, Partridge is all about living life to his fullest. And for Partridge, that doesn’t mean chasing a ball or herding other things – NOOOO, for Partridge, that means three things: play, eat, sleep and repeat! 😆
Moderately active, Partridge doesn’t let the little things phase him. If he wants to play, he’ll do it with the nearest pup. Eat? Is it in front of him?! And sleep – YES! Bed, floor, couch, chair, your feet, another dog’s feet, another dog’s butt, another dog’s anything – when Partridge’s sleep mode is activated, everything else turns OFF.

He’s pretty potty-trained – as long as you can roust him up from his nap and get him moving outside. If not, Partridge may approach pottying the way he approaches sleeping – right then and there, with no thought that the door is a mere 2 ft away. So gentle encouragement to actually get outside is always helpful! He hasn’t had much practice on a leash, though he probably wouldn’t even notice it if you kept it at “mosey” speed.

In general, Partridge is just a good ol’ boy, going along to get along, and nothing is gonna get in his way. He’s probably what young Matthew McConaughey would have been like as a dog – everything’s “alright, alright’ alright”!



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